When thinking of having a child or if you are a new parent, the best time to start thinking about their education is now. This may include planning for a private school loan. With good credit you may have less stress with going through the loan process; however, you can still find a private school loan for bad credit.
The first thing you need to do is make sure you have worked out a good budget to see where your disposabe income is going. If you start budgeting for your child's education now you may not have to take out as big of a private school loan in the future.
The more money you have saved over the course of your child's life, the better off they will be when starting school. If they are not stressed over loan payments they will be able to focus more on their studies. Also they will not have to worry about working two or three jobs to stay in school. This will give them more study time and better grades.
The money you will be saving right now is an investment in your child's future. You know that the more education that you get the higher the pay you will receive throughout your life.
Start saving money now and researching about private school loans to be a step ahead when it is time to send your child off to college.