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Preemie Miracle Over Stimulation

When preemies are born their neurological system has yet to be developed and they have to endure a lot of handling and stimulus. You should look for signs of neurological delays with preemie births. As parents of a preemie miracle what you can do is watch for signs that your child is over stimulated. Baby's may close or avert their eyes when if they have had to much. When agitated they may arch their back, start to squirm or cry, etc.

When you see this type of behavior try to reduce the amount of stimulus around them. Noisy dryers, tv's, radios, bright lights, the movement of ceiling fans, all could become overwhelming to them. Start by reducing the brightness of the lights or noise. You will have to experiment with different things to find the right combination to soothe your baby.
Until the preemie has a mature neural system they will feel disorganized. They cant process all the stimulus and sensations they are receiving to help them to get organized. Full term babies will place their hands in front of them at the mid-line to get their bearings. (Samaiyah wouldn't do this right away so it was suggested by her therapist to to help her by holding her hands together. This organization is important to brain development to be able to do more complex actions later in life.

While in the NICU the nurses would place her on her belly and tuck her arms and legs underneath her to simulate being in the womb. Swaddling is placing the baby in a blanket and wrapping them tightly simulating their time in the womb. Leave her arms out so she can suck on them if that is a comfort to her.

One thing that I have noticed to be calming to Samaiyah is a slow moving ceiling fan. Also fish swimming in a fish bowl or a feather or cloth slowly spinning could have a calming affect.
Mostly you will have to observe your child and find what is right for him. I hope this information has helped you. For more information about preemie development check out my squidoo page. Samaiyah is the prettiest baby in the world and I don't know what I would do without her.

Bobby G James, Basic Author